

Adept is a circular design practice from Denmark

ADEPT is a part of the exhibition Mission Neighbourhood – (Re)forming communities with the project Open Neighbourhood.

In 2017 ADEPT and a large number of collaborators won the competition to design the new school of architecture -”New Aarch”, in Aarhus, Denmark. Their Triennale contribution investigates how “New Aarch” and the existing Godsbanen area, both physically and functionally shapes a unified community based on the existing DNA of the place but also discusses how it can possibly improve. The contribution consists of a large-scale physical model, overlaid with a digital animation based analysis of human flows showing how people move around the area while events and informal meetings take place, showing everyday life in the Godsbanen neighborhood inside and outside.


The team consists of respectively, Architect: ADEPT, User: Aarhus School of Architecture and Neighbor: Institut for (X)

The team has acted as an interdisciplinary community working closely together throughout the design process with multiple stakeholders in the development of New Aarch and the overall task of integrating the building into the existing environment and vice versa. The interdisciplinary process has ensured that the project has been continuously evaluated and qualified on several levels from several different perspectives through open dialogue.

We believe that it is this kind of involvement process that creates the best neighborhood.

The installation, including model and on-site analysis, is a collaboration between architecture studio ADEPT and the Aarhus School of Architecture, Studio 1D / ‘Desirable Densities – studies on the sustainable city’.

Martin Krogh Simon Poulsen Camilla Klingenberg Anders Lonka Martin Laursen