Film screening
The film about the American urbanism and neighbourhood pioneer Jane Jacobs is screened in the auditorium in the museum basement
- This event is finished
- Location: The Cinema at the former Evard Munch Museum, Tøyengata 53
Tøyen Kino
- Facebook:
Local film organizers Tøyen Kino have for the period of the 2022 Oslo Architecture Triennale moved their headquarters to the Oslo Neighbourhood Lab at the former Edvard Munch Museum, a few 100 meters away from their normal base at the Tøyen Deichman Library.
In this first of a series of three film screenings at the former Edvard Munch museum they show the legendary documentary on Jane Jacobs, a unique study of neighbourhood activism against cars and pollution.
The film is shown in the museum basement.
Free entry. Welcome!